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Helvetia ImmoWorld: Absichern & Wohnen

Protect & maintain. All relevant information for homeowners.

Property valuation

Do you know the value of your property? Get a free online valuation and see how the value has changed over the past few years.

Register now to find out the exact value of your property.

Helvetia ImmoWorld: Eigenheim absichern

Protect your home.

What insurance arrangements make sense for your home? Is the solar installation on the roof properly insured? We help you find suitable protection for your home.

Create your personal MoneyPark Cockpit now

Obtain useful information regarding your property:

  • Track the value of your property.
  • Historical selling prices in your neighbourhood.
  • Construction projects in the area.
  • Analysis of current condition of your home and renovation planning.
  • Potential buyers for your property.
We connect what belongs together.

Optimize your tax return and save money with an exclusive Taxea discount.

Are you ready to optimize your tax return and save more money? As a customer of Helvetia real estate platform you have access to our partner Taxea, which can help you with this. Register now to benefit from an exclusive discount and gain access to other partners.
In cooperation with
Partnerlogo Taxea

What does it cost to maintain your home?

When it comes to your personal assets, a financial roadmap is essential. But what about preserving the value of your property? With a few details, our renovation calculator will tell you when renovations make sense, and how much money you should put aside for them.

Register now at Helvetia real estate platform and start the renovation calculator.


Rabatt Hausrat, Privathaft, Reise und Rechsschutz

Secure up to 10% discount now

Register now and get 10% discount on your first premium for selected Helvetia products.

Reduce your heating costs by up to 25%

Would you like to save up to 25% on your heating costs and also reduce CO2 emissions? Yuon Control makes this possible with its innovative, forward-looking heating control system. The system is compatible with all heating installations and can be commissioned in just a few hours. Reqeust further information and a quotation at no obligation.
In cooperation with

Find local tradespeople you can trust.

Do you need tradespeople but don’t know where to find the right ones? In cooperation with our partner Renovero, the no. 1 platform for tradespeople in Switzerland, we offer you a network of verified tradespeople in a range of fields. Register now to benefit from exclusive discounts and view other partners’ offers.
In cooperation with

Redesigning made simple: Helvetia real estate platform and Kaqtu will give your home a new look.

Would you like to redesign your home but are not sure where to start? Discover the partnership between Helvetia and Kaqtu –– the innovative provider for individual interior design. Redesign your living spaces in simple steps with the help of Kaqtu. As a customer of Helvetia real estate platform you benefit from exclusive discounts. Register now at Helvetia real estate platform and discover numerous possibilities for improving your home.
In cooperation with
Partnerlogo Kaqtu

Personal & digital. Comprehensive advice on your home.

Our experts at Helvetia and MoneyPark can advise you on all financial matters relating to the search for, purchase, ownership and sale of your own home. They also keep an eye on insurance and pensions.