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  • LOB-Mix Plus 35

    Foundation year
    Security no.
    127924353 (ISIN: CH1279243534)
    Special feature Single-investor investment group (closed to other investors)
    Strategic asset allocation Benchmark
    20% Swiss Shares Responsible
    Swiss Performance Index SPI (TR)
    15% Global Shares Responsible MSCI World ex Switzerland (TR Net)
    17% Swiss Bond
    Swiss Bond Index SBI Total AAA-BBB (TR)
    7% Global Bonds hedged CHF FTSE World Broad Investment-Grade Corporate Bond Index (TR)
    26% Swiss Real Estate
    KGAST Immo-Index Mixed
    10% Swiss Mortgages
    Swiss Bond Index SBI Total AAA-BBB 5-7Y (TR)
    5% Alternative Investment CS Leveraged Loan Index TR in CHF hedged

    In addition, to improve diversification and reduce the risk, our LOB-Mix Plus 35 investment group comprises 26% real estate and 10% mortgages.

    Further downloads
    Quarterly report PDF
    KGAST Performance Comparison PDF