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    • Products and benefits

      The occupational benefits reform was rejected in September 2024. Parliament’s intention in proposing the reform was to rectify certain inconsistencies in the law. Even in the absence of reform, companies can improve their employee benefits provision beyond the benefits prescribed by law, thereby positioning themselves well in the labour market.
    Successful business woman in blue suit with baby. Successful mother in business walking with baby in her hands and texting message on cellphone
    Successful business woman in blue suit with baby. Successful mother in business walking with baby in her hands and texting message on cellphone
    The occupational benefits reform was rejected in September 2024. Parliament’s intention in proposing the reform was to rectify certain inconsistencies in the law. Even in the absence of reform, companies can improve their employee benefits provision beyond the benefits prescribed by law, thereby positioning themselves well in the labour market.

    Employee benefit schemes: use the scope available now 

    The “LOB 21” reform was rejected in the referendum held on 22 September 2024. The statutory conversion rate therefore remains unchanged at 6.8%, as a result of which cross-subsidization from employees to pensioners will continue to be a feature of LOB-based pension funds. Companies are also faced with the fact that the statutory minimum occupational benefits are not sufficient to meet employee needs in the modern world of work. Even in the absence of reform, however, there are a number of ways to improve pension fund benefits – for everyone or specifically for individual groups of employees. An attractive pension solution helps to attract new employees and retain existing ones. It is a suitable means of countering the skills shortage.

    Cash payments of termination or vested benefits are in demand – more than ever before

    Self-employment or emigration? The world of work now offers a number of opportunities for professional development; geographical obstacles can also be overcome more easily than in the past. That is why many professionals opt for self-employment, or they move the centre of their life abroad and leave Switzerland permanently in order to work far afield. Various statutory provisions must be met so that retirement savings from the second pillar – whether from the pension fund or a vested benefits institution – can be paid out and used for these purposes.

    The key points
    We have summarized the key points regarding cash payments of termination benefits in an information sheet. If a cash payment from the pension fund is not possible, the termination benefits must be transferred to a vested benefits institution. You can find our offering in the brochure on Helvetia vested benefits solutions.

    Regulations governing compliance with the requirement for adequacy and the assistance we offer 

    New directives

    The directives W – 01/2024 issued by the Occupational Pension Supervisory Commission (OPSC) came into force on 1 January 2024 and set out in greater detail the statutory provisions governing the principles of occupational benefits provision in accordance with Art. 1 BVG/LOB. The OPSC sets formal requirements that must be applied both by occupational benefits experts and by employers in order to ensure compliance with the principles of occupational benefits provision.

    The second part of the directives is aimed at employers and addresses compliance with the requirement for adequacy in cases where there are multiple pension arrangements. The OPSC fleshes out Art. 1a OPO 2 and stipulates how to deal with doubly insured salary components when an employer joins multiple employee benefit institutions.

    How we can assist you

    Employers’ self-declaration by means of a supplementary sheet to the contract of association

    Every company that already had a cadre employee benefit scheme when the directive came into force must provide the supplementary sheet to the contract of association. They have a transitional period until 31 December 2026 to make this self-declaration and – in the case of doubly insured salary components – to provide the expert confirmation. Affected employers will be contacted directly by us or through their broker and informed about the new regulation.

    Attractive expert confirmation offering

    Our team of experts at Helvetia Consulta will be happy to assist you in confirming adequacy by providing their expert report.

    OPSC directives & Contact
    The directives issued by the Occupational Pension Supervisory Commission can be find here. Contact us if you need assistance and want to take advantage of our offering.
    Author: Caroline Kresta
    Head Product Management Corporate Customers | Helvetia Insurance Occupational Benefits Switzerland