For Helvetia, the initial discussions with mobile GARANTIE Deutschland not only resulted in a good investment, but also in a business partnership that is extremely valuable in both human and technical terms. And this even though – or perhaps precisely because – the erstwhile German start-up appears somewhat unconventional at first glance.
When you visit mobile GARANTIE’s website, the first thing you notice is that there seem to be no limits to its portfolio of warranty products. Owners of boats and yachts looking for a warranty will find what they are looking for at mobile GARANTIE Deutschland, as will car, taxi or caravan owners. And in the electrical sector, too, the range is constantly being expanded. Today it already includes various benefit packages for smartphones, hearing aids, robotic lawnmowers and even heating systems. This product mix is fully in line with the company’s credo and that of its founder and CEO, Rainer Doerr: “Product diversity is the way of the future. We don't see ourselves as a classic warranty provider, but as a claims and customer loyalty specialist.” This is also why mobile GARANTIE Deutschland GmbH has a policy of always choosing suitable partners when it develops new products. In keeping with the spirit of a start-up, the actual sector that a solution ultimately comes under is more of a peripheral consideration, as long as it offers real added value for the end customer.
In 2019, Helvetia Venture Fund was persuaded by the founder’s ambitions and visions and, following the company’s fruitful cooperative insurance ties with Helvetia from 2018 onward, invested in what was then still a fledgling company. What also made the company profile special was that mobile GARANTIE Deutschland was already profitable at the time of the investment. From day one, the partnership between the agile start-up and the established insurance company was built on an uncompromising customer focus and the joint development of modern insurance solutions. Today, the numbers still present a clear picture: since the start of the cooperation with Helvetia, mobile GARANTIE has been able to increase the premium rate by over 60% and has now reached a stable figure in the double-digit millions.
mobile GARANTIE Deutschland’s broad product portfolio not only has advantages for customers, but it also provides protection in a market increasingly characterized by new and disruptive technologies, regulatory changes and new entrants from outside the industry. Nevertheless, the status quo is never enough for the team surrounding Rainer Doerr. Together with customers and partners, more product ideas are continuously being developed which can be incorporated into the modular warranty “construction kit” the company has created in recent years.
For example, today’s vehicle warranty solutions include a clause that automatically covers technologies developed by manufacturers as soon as they go into standard production. Radar warning systems, which are now increasingly being installed directly in vehicles, are one example of this.
Growth is a relevant metric in the day-to-day business of mobile GARANTIE Deutschland GmbH. The founder is quite happy to rely on personal interaction and is available to provide customers with advice and support – regardless whether they are in the B2B or B2C sector. However, in this industry too, customers are increasingly showing a preference for digital support, especially in claims processing. This makes it all the more important for the company to maintain a healthy balance between digital and analog contact so as to meet customer needs and create maximum added value for everyone. Hardly surprising, then, that customers and partners always look forward to visiting mobile GARANTIE Deutschland GmbH in person to find out what exciting innovations the product developer has in store for them this time.