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Helvetia Versicherungscheck
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Which insurance do you need? Find out now.

Life situations can change – and so can insurance needs. Which insurance is currently important for you? With the check you can obtain a proposal – quickly and easily – that suits your needs.
  1. Basic information
  2. Life situation
  3. Recommendations
How old are you?
Please state your age.
How would you describe yourself?
Select the option that applies best to you.
How would you describe yourself?
Select the option that applies best to you.
Living & cohabiting
What has changed about your living arrangements or is upcoming in the near future?
Family & partner
What changes are there in your family environment?
Job & education
How will your professional career change?
Leisure time & mobility
What are your leisure time and mobility arrangements?
Goals & desires
What is important to you for your future?
Living & lifestyle
Your own apartment, a shared apartment, still living at home with your parents? Tell us about your housing situation, now or in the near future.
Leisure & hobbies
Travelling, sport, partying, shopping – how do you spend your free time?
Work & education
Apprenticeship, studies or already in the world of work – what does your professional career look like?
Family & children
Wedding, honeymoon, children – is family planning a concern?
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