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Unique works of art capture the spirit of the times

The first Trésor Contemporary Craft exhibition was held in Basel at the end of September. Helvetia is one of the new event’s three principal sponsors. Its commitment supplements its existing activities in the field of art.

27 October 2017, Author: Margrith Mermet, photo & video: Gabriel Huber

Exhibition stand with ceramic sculptures in white-and-grey tones, vases and wall art.
The Paik Hae Young (PHY) Gallery from Seoul, South Korea, showed Asian ceramic art at the Trésor exhibition in Basel.

The Trésor exhibition is an international platform for high-quality handicrafts and contemporary applied art. The inaugural event in Basel showcased hand-made items by 287 artists from twelve countries. Its founders, brother-and-sister couple Nadine Vischer Klein and Anthony G. Vischer, are convinced that this new exhibition has captured the spirit of the times. "Years ago”, Nadine Vischer Klein explains, “anything made by hand was banished from any room where guests might see it: people preferred cool, industrially manufactured designer pieces. But now things in natural materials with more individuality are back in vogue. People take pleasure in hand-thrown pots, hand-planed wood, hand-woven textiles and hand-blown glass, whose irregularities make them unique."

Craftsmanship is growing in importance

Helvetia attaches great importance to art as well, and not just in relation to its range of services. It is part of the company’s culture, and at the same time it is an invitation to all employees and customers to get to grips with diverse forms of contemporary artistic expression. They get this opportunity in the Helvetia Art Foyer, where the specialist art unit regularly curates exhibitions of works from its own collection and on loan from elsewhere.

Helvetia’s art sponsorship unit is currently helping four Swiss museums with digitalization projects. "Apart from this commitment”, says Dietrich von Frank, Head of Art Sponsorship for Helvetia about the Trésor exhibition, “it’s important for us to support a forward-looking, future-oriented arts sector. Top-quality craftsmanship and contemporary applied art are just as important as fine art, not only in terms of their international reception but also in their markets. These are two sectors of great interest to Helvetia as an art insurer.”