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Helvetia waives rents for small businesses and self-employed persons

Small businesses and self-employed persons are particularly affected by the measures against the spread of coronavirus. In order to help them, Helvetia is consequently granting rent-free periods and rent reductions in addition to rent deferrals on an individual basis.
08.04.2020 | Media releases
Helvetia has been receiving numerous requests for support from business tenants for several days now. Small businesses and self-employed persons are especially at particular risk due to the corona pandemic. Helvetia has therefore decided to provide additional financial support to tenants who have been particularly hard hit during this phase. The focus here is on those businesses that have had to close down due to official orders. "The loss of sales and earnings is of vital importance for the existence of small and very small businesses. A deferral of the rent is often not sufficient to enable them to continue their business after the measures have been eased. To help give them prospects for the future, we are going to waive part of the rent and can thus help quickly and pragmatically", explains André Keller, CIO of Helvetia Group.
Aid tailored to the financial situation of the enterprise
Helvetia will therefore grant rent-free periods and rent reductions in addition to rent deferrals on an individual basis. Agreements will be sector-specific and tailored to the financial situation of the individual company without recognising any legal obligation.
Further support in times of the corona crisis
In addition to rent reductions, Helvetia is offering help with simple and pragmatic solutions in the crisis. As a result, the insurance company is providing support in the event of liquidity problems and is stopping reminder and overdue notice processes for premium payments until 30 June 2020. It is also processinging claims payments immediately. Helvetia advisors are supporting SMEs with applications for state aid and are clarifying legal issues together with its partner Coop Rechtsschutz.

Contact information
Susanne Tengler
Head of Investor Relations
Phone: +41 58 280 57 79
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