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Helvetia – Sustainability at a glance

How we can achieve more together

As an insurance company we are there when it matters – today and tomorrow. We take a long-term view and, together with our customers, we are committed to a sustainable future.

Environmentally friendly repairs
Repairs to bodywork or wheel rims can now be carried out in a resource-saving and environmentally conscious manner, without compromising on quality. With our sustainable claims management, we and our partner garages make a contribution to reducing CO2 emissions.
Special benefits for e-mobility
We don't just insure your electric vehicle but also your wall box and charging equipment – and if the battery fails, our breakdown service will be there for you. Thanks to the ProClima bonus, you can benefit from a lower premium for your plug-in hybrid or e-car.
Helvetia Protection forest
Whether we are travelling in a car, or hiking or skiing, we often underestimate how much forests contribute to our safety. Specifically planted forests offer protection against rockfalls, landslides, debris flows and avalanches. Helvetia has been supporting a number of forest regions throughout Switzerland since 2011 and has already planted over 260,000 trees in 20 regions.
Sustainable investment in the 3rd pillar
As part of your 3rd pillar, invest in our sustainable funds:
Digital instead of printed
We are constantly reducing our paper consumption. From 2019 to 2021 we saved 20 tonnes of paper in Switzerland. One important factor is the digitalization of processes and the electronic dispatch of documents. Join in: make use of digital services such as eBill and BVGonline. Together we can ensure sustainability in all areas.
Responsible investment
We invest your premiums responsibly. Because financial investments have a major impact on the economy, environment and society. Helvetia invests in compliance with the climate goals of the Paris Agreement: to reduce net emissions in our investment portfolio to zero by 2050.
“We would like to make it as easy as possible for our customers to do something for society and the environment together with us.”
Martin Jara – CEO Helvetia Switzerland
Rooted in Switzerland

Helvetia also represents Switzerland. We have over 100 locations in Switzerland – so distances are short. And we ensure that procurement is local, environmentally friendly and socially responsible. Since 2016, for example, Helvetia has been using only green electricity from predominantly Swiss hydropower.

Did you know?

In 2021, premiums for sustainable insurance solutions increased by around 181%. Demand grew, in particular, for life insurance products with positive environmental and social impacts, and for insurance policies for gas-powered, electric and hybrid vehicles. In this way we and our customers can contribute to a more environmentally friendly economy together.

How our efforts are viewed
Average MSCI ESG rating of our investments in the portfolio: A