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Helvetia recognized as European "Top Employer"

The Helvetia Group has been awarded the European "Top Employer" seal for the first time. The Swiss market has won the "Top Employer" seal for the third, and Germany and Austria for the second time in a row. France and Italy also participated in the auditing and passed. Helvetia impresses at the group level in the fields of business strategy, organization and change as well as ethics and integrity.
18.01.2023 | Media releases

The Top Employers Institute has audited companies worldwide for over 30 years in terms of their employment conditions and issues awards to the best ones. Helvetia Switzerland has won the "Top Employer" award for the third, Helvetia Germany and Austria for the second time in a row. Helvetia France and Italy participated in the auditing for the first time and passed. As the Helvetia Group was recognized in five country markets, it is also receiving the European seal this year for the first time. Helvetia impressed at the group level in particular in the fields of business strategy, organization and change as well as ethics and integrity. In the Swiss market it was awarded top marks for digital HR and for its purpose and values.

Further awards for Helvetia's HR
Helvetia Switzerland was awarded silver in the "Best Recruiters" 2021/22 study by career Institut & Verlag GmbH in the category all-line insurance. The study analysed the recruiting quality of the companies with the highest turnover and employees in the countries in the DACH region. Helvetia Austria also received silver in the industry ranking and is among the top 5 per cent of all companies evaluated. 

Roland Bentele, Group Chief Corporate Center Officer of the Helvetia Group, comments: "I am proud that our purpose 'Being there when it matters' also pays off with our employees. The award as 'Top Employer' in five country markets and the first-time award of the European seal are key indicators for me that Helvetia is a first-class employer for both current and potential employees."

Contact information
Jonas Grossniklaus
Head of Media Relations
Phone: +41 58 280 50 33
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