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Helvetia Risk Engineering Services

Risk Engineering Services. Identifying and managing risks.

In business, success depends on a lot of factors. Some factors cannot be controlled directly, but pose hidden risks .Our experienced engineers will help you to identify, evaluate and overcome possible risks.

The benefits we offer you

"Your safety comes first. Operational risks – Risks along the value chain While Risk Management focuses on strategic and financial risks, risk engineering analyses operational risks relating to your company and focuses on the following points:

Our core competencies

Since 1990, our risk engineers have been conducting risk audits at home and abroad. Every year, we visit around 150 companies in various industrial and service sectors. We are continuously expanding our experience and building confidence in different sectors. We pass on the findings from all our risk audits and claims to our customers with a specific risk report or with generally applicable checklists. Our core competencies include the following sectors:

  • Metal
  • Plastics
  • Wood
  • Paper
  • Textiles
  • Stone
  • Food
  • Chemicals
  • Hotel
  • Hospitals
  • Energy
  • Transportation
  • Shopping